Thursday, February 3, 2011

Journal 3

While the Chronicles of Narnia is by not my favorite movie, I do think the adaptation of similar stories in the bible and the film are rather interesting. The white witch in Narnia symbolizes the devil, the lion (Aslan) represents God, and the four children represents some of Gods followers. In addition to the similarities in the characters there are many scenes which can be related directly to biblical stories. For example, when Aslan sacrificed himself to the enemy it was similar to how Jesus sacrificed himself for our sins. There are many parallels that can be made between the Chronicles of Narnia and biblical stories, however there were a lot of things that changed to make this movie. Obviously, most of the characters are talking animals unlike the bible and while Aslan is an essential character to the plot, the four children are considered the main characters considering they are in every scene. Where as in the bible God is clearly the "main character" if you will. Between the movie and the book, it is clear that the context of a text is very important. While most may only see talking animals in the movie, there is clearly a story that relates directly to the bible. I think paying attention to the context is very important in this case to develop a complete understanding of the text as a whole.

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