Monday, February 7, 2011

Journal 3

I have chosen to do the film adaptation of Harry Potter.  After reading the Harry Potter books then watching the movies, I was able to pick out key points that were left out.  Harry Potter is about a boy wizard whose parents are killed by an evil wizard.  The books describe the years of his life after his parents were killed.  The last book turned movie of the series is called “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.”  Harry, Ron and Hermione go on a quest to destroy once and for all the evil wizard Voldemort.  With the help of friends and allies, Harry and his friends find their way around the world to destroy Voldemort's most prized possession.  The plot of the movie is very close to that of the book but because of time constraints certain parts of the book had to be taken out.  A part of the book that was greatly reduced was when Harry stays at the Weasley’s house for a wedding.  In the movie this scene is very short, but in the book there are many pages dedicated to this scene.  In short, Harry learns about all the people that are trying to kill him.  He also learns possible allies that can help him while he is out on his journey.  In the movie none of these people are mentioned.  I believe this scene was taking out because it is not necessary in the big picture of Harry killing Voldemort.  It would have been a good scene to leave in, but because of time restraints it was taken out.  

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