Monday, February 7, 2011

Journal Three

My favorite film adaptations were those of the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling. I loved every page of all seven books, so when I heard that movies were to be created for Harry Potter I was really excited. I think that the film is so good; it is accurate with the books in every aspect and I think that the producers did a really nice job making them contemporary and easily relatable to the audience they had targeted.
The films and the books kept the same general plot and idea. Harry's ultimate goal is to kill Voldemort and fight for good. Every issue that is raised in the books is kept for the films and is the same as in the book. I think that is why the films were such a great hit, because the books and the movies were exactly alike.
The Harry Potter movies were definitely created with the teenage audience in mind. There is a lot of action and fighting, love and romance and heartache as well. There is magic and wonder and I think that this appeals to every audience. They are also very serious, which applies to the older audiences.
I think that in watching a movie it is harder to use your imagination, but when reading a book you can imagine the scenese and characters however you want, making it more real to you personally.

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