Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Journal III

One of my favorite film adaptions was made into Evan Almighty. Taken from the bible its the story of Noah's ark. Steve Carroll who represent Noah is in charged of getting two types of animals on a boat that will save them from the flood. The adaptation added a lot of extra things including comedy to the story. The story was slightly altered in that there were many problems going on with property issues and the environment. But Steve Carroll didn't think it was right for them to destroy the land. The is were if differentiated from the bible. In addition it appears in a different era. This is happening now when the bible happened a long time ago. The issue is trying to save the animals and save life as we know if from destruction. They relate to a specific time in that, thats when this took place. The culture is very different from the different time periods. It tells you that different things are going to change the context because they occur in different time periods along with different cultures.

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