Monday, February 7, 2011

Journal 3

One if my favorite film adaptations is Nicholas Sparks' book A Walk to Remember. In the movie they did not change a lot of things about the book. All of the characters were portrayed almost exactly the same as they were in the book, except for Landon's father who was a Senator in the book but a doctor in the movie. This allowed Landon to ask for his father's help when his girlfriend tells him she has leukemia, something he could not do in the novel, and therefore is able to make amends with his father in the movie, which did not happen in the book. Another major difference in the movie was the ending. In the novel, it is unclear whether Jamie dies of leukemia or not, whereas in the movie they show Jamie's death and funeral. Other than these few changes though,there were not really any other very significant changes made in the film adaptation. Both the movie and the book took place in a small rural town in the South, during the the 1950's, but the book was only written a few years before the movie was made. So there were not many adjustments that needed to be made concerning the time period, and also because the movie was meant to be historical.

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