Thursday, February 10, 2011

Journal 3

A recent favorite of mine was Eat Pray Love. I absolutely fell in love with the book and was SO excited to see it was coming out on a movie. However, it was difficult to truly capture the beauty of the book, in the movie. This sounds strange because you all of a sudden have visuals and actual characters speaking out at you. However, the movie left little room for imagination. I had pictured it one way, and the movie made me feel it had to be this other. Now when I read it, I can only imagine the movie. They needed to change things for different reasons. I think due to time contraints and also to appeal to a different audience. Although I'm sure they are aware that their regular readers are going to be viewing it as well, there is going to be a new target audience when making a movie based on people bringing their family, spouse, boy friend, girlfriend ect. What fascinated me is that people were either extremely happy with the book/movie or absolutely hated both. There was a select audience that felt the main character,(julia roberts in the movie) was being extremely selfish and that it wasnt reality and life isnt that easy. However there was another select group, mostly young women, that felt that this is amazing and could completely relate to many of them. I even have a few friends that felt so moved--that they decided to pick up and travel themselves. It was a powerful text, and a less powerful movie, I'd say. I simply wasnt as emotionally invested in each moment in the movie. I think it tells me the importance by basically saying that imagination and setting is key and that although we might have seen the movie, it is important to understand the context when reading , as our own perceived way, and not necessarily the way that others see it.

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