Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journal 10: The last one!

Respond to "Is Google Making Us Stupid?". After having researched and written about media, do you agree that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized? Does this inform your ePortfolio assignment?

Due: Thursday, April 21


  1. Journal 10- Emily Conklin

    Growing up in an advancing technological world (granting the invention of the internet,) I have always been encouraged to be "efficient" in whatever research I do. There is less and less room for error (as well as topic exploration) as search engines like Google make going about finding information as easy and effortless as ever. However, I certainly notice as difference in how I think and apply knowledge as technology continues to make great leaps.

    Rather than having a source readily accessible, ready to be devoured by curiosity, I am exposed to several sources that provide only the bare minimum of information I need, and from there it is up to me to "efficiently" piece them together to suit my research. The transformation of going about research and writing is like creating a work of art. We no longer gather resources to make our own supplies like paint or canvas and then apply those to a mural; but collect already-made items, like cutting out pictures from a magazine, to make a collage- something now entirely ours, but constructed by us nonetheless.

    I enjoyed this article because it reminded me that my mind is capable of much more originality in writing and research than I give credit. This informs my portfolio assignment in showcasing the areas of my writing where I demonstrate originality of idea, as well as clear focus on specific themes as opposed to the "ADD" train of thought that the author finds troublesome.

  2. When I was little i hated reading. I thought it was boring and I didn't want to be sitting around when I could be playing. But as I got older I grew to really enjoy reading. With the internet I find myself getting distracted because there is so much out there. I'll get online to check my email or look up an assignment on Blackboard and I will end up on facebook or playing a game for hours. The internet is great for a lot of things but can be a huge distraction and at the end of the day I would rather curl up with a book.

  3. I don't know why I can only post this as comment but here are my thoughts...
    I feel that the article was spot on and made a good argument. I think quote sums it up best "I now have almost totally lost the ability to read and absorb a longish article on the web or in print". I agree with that statement because I have seen this happen to myself and fellow classmates all the time. It's hard for me to sit down and read an article over 2 pages which I think is sad. I really don't read books that much however, I have finished a couple that I was really interested in (i.e. Fight Club & Fear and Loathing). I agree with the statement that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized. The internet is evolving into quick information where people don't have to think or read much. However, I don't have a problem with this because having everything at our fingertips allows us to conquer more topics faster. I think this helps with my eportfolio because I will focus more on efficient and catchy pictures or captions.
