Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journal 10

For me, Google and the internet in general have changed the way that I think. I don't spend time looking through books or reading the newspaper very often. With just a few clicks I can get online and look up pretty much anything including homework assignments on Blackboard, recent news, email, blogs, weather, etc., the list goes on and on. I spend more time doing assignments than I need to because I do get distracted online with all of the adds and ideas for other things that I could check or look up instead of doing my assignment. Also, the internet is available on so many technologies including laptops, cell phones, ipods, etc. We are never far away from distractions with the internet so close at hand. I do agree that writing and knowledge are changing because of continuous advances in technology. Instead of spending time talking to real people we are writing or responding to texts, emails, blogs, etc. I think that this is also changing our writing because we are so used to writing whatever comes out of our head in a few words that it is hard for us to write long research papers, reports, and essays. Skimming is also a big problem today. We skim over magazines, looking at the pictures instead of the real information in the wording, skim books or online journals looking for key words instead the big picture of the article, or skimming web pages looking for something interesting instead of important. As I compose my ePortfolio, I will need to consider the many advantages and problems with internet addiction, so that it effectively achieves its purpose.

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