Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Journal 9

I personally feel that my writing style is indescribable, just as I cannot perfectly describe myself. I agree with the author that your writing is your voice, and I definitely feel that people can get a sense of who I am by reading my writing. I agree with all of his point and would not change a thing about it. I thought that it perfectly described style, and was extremely helpful. I especially liked how he how he says to keep it simple and say what you mean, because a lot of times I read things and wish the author had been more clear about what they intended, because I am left with no idea what they want me to consider or do. Which ties into his idea that the reader should be pitied, and I also agree with this. I believe that while writing should be all about the writer and what they think and feel, once it is written the author then gives it to the audience and puts them in control of it. They take from it what they will and if the author's message is not clear, the intended message may not make its way to the reader and they cannot spread this message like the author hoped for. So, I think it is very important to keep your writing style simple and your message clear.

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