Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journal 10

I definitely think the nature of writing, power and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized.  With answers at our finger tips to almost any question we could ask in an easily accessable fashion, it changes the nature of writing, power and knowledge.  Writing becomes more conscise and to the point.  Power is in the hands of those distributing information that the masses are absorbing through the new technology.  And knowledge is so accessable, it makes our brains lazy.  I'm not exactly sure how this enlightens my ePortfolio assignment; maybe it sheds light on my resistence to research papers?  I dred searching for information to back up my claims because of the many articles that I have to search through; it's probably due to the knowledge that's so accessable to me that I've become lazy and unwilling to take a little extra time to find something that's not right in my face.

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