Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal Ten

I agree with the article completely; the internet is changing how we write, think and gather information. There are a lot of positives to having so much access to the internet; we can receive information and learn more and learn faster because of the constant technology updates. We can have the whole world at our fingertips and learn anything about any subject that could be another universe away. We can be more specific in our research and save time by using the internet as a source for our research. There are some negatives to the internet and how it affects our writing. I feel that our writing has become less professional and more "friendly" or relaxed because of the way the writing is on the internet. Facebook and Twitter for example use very relaxed forms of writing and when we use these sites we are relaxed as well. I think the internet makes it easier to dumb down our writing and sometimes our thinking because such little effort is used and required from us; the internet does it all.

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