Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

I knew that the Internet was transforming the way we think and the way we process information, but this article really opened my eyes. People do not want to read long articles anymore, they just want the straight facts and that is it. Therefore, when people go to read a novel they are unable to really focus on the meaning of the text and analyze the meaning. It is sort of scary to think that the Internet is transforming the way people focus, analyze, read and write. I definitely agree that this is a growing issue, it seems that younger and younger kids are starting to use the Internet for homework, social websites, and online reading. When i go to do my portfolio I am going to really focus to see if i just include quick and convenient information, or did I really elaborate and fully explain things. I think this is something that is dangerous to my writing and it may be something I may be doing subconsciously, therefore I am really going to try and focus to fix it in my writing.

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