Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Journal 9

This semester I learned a decent amount about my writing style. I was pushed to write in different ways than I normally do. For example, most of my papers before this class always had an opening, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This class however, taught me to expand my style and write in different formats and also voice my opinion, which was different for me. In my past English courses, I usually did not voice my thoughts, ideas, or opinions; however in this class I often found myself relating what I was writing about, to myself. As far as agreeing with Vonnegut’s rules for style, I do for the most part. I think that it is good to express yourself in your own writing. Sometimes however, I feel that it is inappropriate to express everything you want to say in your writing. It depends on the audience and what you are writing for because it is not always acceptable to convey what you want in your writing.

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