Thursday, April 14, 2011

Journal 9

Over the course of this semester I've developed a lot as a writer. I've learned to go more in depth in my writing and I put more emotion into my papers when I write now as well. I've also learned to analyze texts rather than just reading them. I agree with most of Vonnegut's rules, but they two I don't completely agree with is the rule about Keeping it simple and the rule about Sounding like yourself. I feel that the Keeping it simple rule applies for most situations,but I feel that in some situations it would be more beneficial to include that extra amount of detail rather than leaving it out. For the Sound like yourself rule I feel that that applies in most situations as well, but depending on the audience you're writing to, sounding like yourself may not always be the best approach. For example, if you are writing to your peers you can afford to be a little lax with phrases, language, and style, but if you are writing to a general audience it would be better to keep everything clean so as not to offend anyone.

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