Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

I agree 100% with the idea that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized.  The mere presence of the Internet is meant for speed and efficiency.  You research some general idea and you get you answer in 2-5 minutes.  When you read a book you research something, you get your answer in 2-3 days.  Why?  The idea of speed in the human mind is as appealing to me as chocolate cake is to a fat kid.  “The faster the better” many may say. No, the more the better.  If humans can get by the speed and efficiency of the internet and adapt to the benefit of more information and greater range of knowledge than that found in an newspaper article, journal, or book; we can change the way the mind reacts, processes, and stores information.  Nicholas Carr says, “Never has a communications system played so many roles in our lives—or exerted such broad influence over our thoughts—as the Internet does today.”  This is true in the limelight that we have to accept the role the internet is playing in our lives, and change the way it affects our lives and cognitive processes in a positive way.  This will not inform me about my ePortfolio assignment. 

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