Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 9

I completely agree with this article, the internet is definitely changing the way we read, write, and gather information. The internet has a lot of positive effects, and makes information much more available to us. However, I feel that technology has made us lazy about getting this information. Even reading this article I found myself skimming parts because it seemed too long and I am used to getting short bursts of information that I can read and process quickly. With texting and the internet and all other types of technology surrounding us constantly, we have become impatient and more passive when it comes to obtaining new information. With answers around us all the time we don't take the time to think about answers for ourselves, and instead we are constantly relying on someone else to give us the information we are looking for. In this way we have become observers instead of thinkers and doers. This stream of endless information, always at the tips of our fingers, also means we have more breadth of knowledge but not as much depth, because we cannot just focus on one subject when we are always bombarded with information about everything else. I think this loss of focus is the most concerning problem that technology poses for our society. We are always multitasking with all this technology; listening to music while doing homework while also checking facebook every two minutes. This inability to focus on one thing at a time, not only creates distractions for us when we are trying to read or write, it also forces us into a pattern of only partly paying attention to what we read and write.

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