Monday, April 25, 2011

Journal 10

The internet, mainly google, has changed the way many people research and write papers.  With basic instructions and key words anyone can research and learn about different topics for their assignments.  It no longer takes specific knowledge of a topic or hours of research to write a good paper.  This is a good and bad thing.  Efficiency of writing papers has increased because it requires less time researching and therefore more time can be spent on writing.  However it is also a bad thing, research now is done quickly and affects the quality of one’s work.  By simply visiting a couple of sites a person can write a paper about any topic they desire.  In order to write a good paper, a person must research different types of print (newspaper, book, internet).  Google has allowed us to use all of the types of print online but few people take the time to research each of these.  The average person will type in a key word on google and click on the first two links that appear.  This is making the public lazy because less time is done researching papers and more time is spent surfing the web.  If the internet and google are used correctly a person can create a very well researched paper.  Another good resource that the internet allows us to use is chalk and wire.  This is a good resource because it allows writers to post all of their papers online for peers to view and comment on.    

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