Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Journal 9

This semester I've learned I like to put a lot of my own voice into all of my writing; Even when I'm trying to write a serious research paper that should be strictly educational and academic little bits of me slip through, it's unavoidable.  My voice comes through as playful and imaginative.  I put a lot of imagery words in to make vivid, colorful descriptions.  I agree with Vonnegut and I think the most important is finding a topic that you're passionate about because I've always found with an amazing topic that I'm really interested in, not only am I excited to write, but my voice is easy too hear.  I don't see much that needs to be changed, I might just tweak his keep it simple rule.  I think it's a good idea to keep it simple but at the same time simple straight-forward language is sometimes boring so I think there should be a caveat that a lot of the time it's good to keep it simple but it's good to spice it up too.

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