Wednesday, April 13, 2011

What have you learned about your own style this semester? Do you agree with Vonnegut’s rules for style? What might you add, change, or remove?

He suggests that is a bad thing to not be wordy. I have learned to get more to the point with my writing. The first piece was difficult for me because it was evaluating my brothers writing so I felt as if I had so much to say but did not know how to shorten it. It ended up being a challenge for me, and through it I learned a lot about how to be concise and truly understand what message I am trying to give. In addition, I use to write how I talk. I learned that that is okay as long as you phrase things in the appropriate way. I learned that my weakness is organization and that I should start with writing rough rough drafts and work off of those. There isn't one right answer when writing. I need to just listen to my instincts and write how I feel. In addition, I need to PROOF read.

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