Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Journal 2

I believe that a close reading is a lot of things. I feel that it takes a lot more work and effort to understand the material being read than just reading it. Each paragraph, sentence, phrase, and word choices should be analyzed to fully understand the meaning of the text. A close reading requires a lot of analyzing and deep thinking. It does not have to be an actual text, it can be a movie or music, or poetry, but all close readings should do the same thing. A close reading should literally be picking apart words to find a deeper meaning or relation of the context. For my close reading I chose to do it on the Disney movie Cinderella. I chose this movie because although it is a classic, most of us listen to the lines said by the characters and songs being sung but we do not comprehend the meaning behind it. Specifically, I did my close reading on a song the mice sang for Cinderella. When I first heard the song I never really realized what they were singing about, but as I analyzed it, I realized that the song was very gender bias towards women. I feel that close readings help us discover the true meaning behind words in a text.

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