Sunday, March 20, 2011

Journal 5

When we think inexpensive internet provider, do we picture a promiscuous young woman, puckered lips and all? Probably not. Then again, if we were to pass this sign while speeding down the highway would we make the connection between the words and the picture?

Ads have bloopers from time to time, and I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt to FAST Internet, but the message is clear: The girl on the billboard represents customer experience with FAST Internet; she looks like a prostitute. Fast. Cheap. Perhaps not all that expensive.

At the very least, the marketing team that put this advertisement together associated "fast and cheap" with a prostitute. It seems unlikely that their target buyers would be females aged 18-24; therefore, I think this billboard was carefully crafted to appeal to all audiences, anyone that can readily associate a cheap looking woman with inexpensive, maybe gratifying service.

But rather than questioning the company and its beliefs, I think we should be questioning our culture. At first glance, I personally didn't see anything wrong with the ad. We have come to accept the idea of an underdressed young woman as something negative. It's a stereotype we continue to enforce.

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