Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal 4

I think that my writing has improved a lot during this semester. I feel that this class, in addition to last semester's class, has really helped me to develop a style of writing that I feel is relevant to issues and ideas, and that is unique to me. In high school, I felt that we always were expected to write in the same way and about the same themes in different novels, which I felt was unrealistic and irrelevant to the real world. But in this class, I feel that I have been challenged to write in a more creative way, which I think has better prepared me more for my future as a student, and in my career. While I feel that my writing has greatly improved this year, I feel that I have a lot to improve upon. I have always struggled with the organization of my papers, so I would like to continue to try to improve this. I also think that I could work on adding more details to support my paper.

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