Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal 4

As I look over this Spring semester so far, I have noticed an overall improvement in my writing. The first inquiry of the semester was a little tough at first, but as I spent more time on it I found that the writing process became easier. For these inquiries this semester, they required a lot of research about our texts. This research took many hours to find the sources that I was looking for, but the longer I spent trying to find sources the more ideas I thought of for my paper. As my ideas expanded, I was able to find more sources to complete my research portion. Also, incorporating research information with my analysis and opinions into the inquiries is a challenging process that is becoming easier as we do each inquiry. I want to continue to improve my writing abilities this semester. I still feel that repetition of certain words in each inquiry is still a problem with my writing. I find that if I read my inquiries over and over again, that it is easier for me to rewrite the sentences so that word repetition is not a problem. I am excited to see my writing improve as we head into the second half of the spring semester!

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