Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Post a really ugly website, then a really attractive website. Tell me why they do and don’t work visually and rhetorically

This first website is done very well. It shows a clear , crisp, picture of the workers- with an overlapping translucent text box that embodies their theme and mission. Directly below the picture, they hae clear tabs that will direct you to different location. Everything is straight forward, yet asthetically appealing. It isnt too simple-yet not overly complex and wordy. There is this "feel good" vibe when connecting to this page. The colors coordinate, everything is legible and easy to navigate.

This next webpage is somewhat harsh on the eyes. When opening it up, the blue is a little much and then followed with the white text- it is a little intense. In addition, the first page is the "about molas". Sometimes the about on the front page can work, but here it makes the reader confused and not sure what the webpage is about. Is this a page you can purchase molas? Or is it simply for more information? It is not clear. Perhaps having a main page with the separate tabs is a more straight forward direct way to allow the audience to know what the purpose of the page is. In addition, the tabs on the top of boring and do not add any personality to the page. I do , however, like the print on the side as well as the pictures as visuals. Molas are wonderful an the Kuna Culture is amazing! You should all check it out:)

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