Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Journal 4

I think most of my progress as a writer came from my last semester English class mainly because the goal of the class was to get a better understanding of writing at a college level. The main reason last semester was so helpful was because of how different writing papers in high school and writing papers in college are. This semester is the first time I have ever really had to focus on gender when writing a paper, which has altered the way I think when I write my papers. This semester has allowed me to focus more on the topic I’m writing about and focus more on the details in a given text as well as the actual context of the text itself.

What I would like out of this course it to be able to have papers that are more clear and concise. I would like to write a paper that I am proud of. Something that shows that the reader has their own unique writing style and that they know what they’re talking about without having pages of completely useless filler.

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