Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So far this year in English 112 I have learned how to better expand my ideas on my papers.  I have also learned how to work better in groups along with the importance of working in a group.  I have done a lot of writing, revising, editing and re-doing my papers.  The first paper I wrote was about the stereotypical male.  The stereotypical male is someone who fights, drinks, is tough and picks up girls.  I am in the process of writing a paper about a motivational book called “the secret.”  The secret is widely recognized as a life changing book in that it presents new ideas that have never been put into a motivational book.  The thing that I am most proud of this semester is the low number of classes that I have missed.  8 am is very early to me and it has been challenging to get myself up and ready for class that early.  I am also proud of my grade so far at midterm, although I would like to improve on it.  Along with improving on my grade I also want to improve on my public speaking ability, the time it takes me to write a paper, the quality of my papers and my overall writing.  With continued effort and if I continue to get myself out of bed in the morning I know that I can achieve these.

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