Thursday, March 3, 2011

Journal 4

At this point in the semester i feel as if I've actually learned a lot. I have not been in an english class for 4 years (since high-school) and I forgot the process of really deeply analyzing your writing. I feel that I have improved on simply being able to interpret and analyze my work as well as others. The first assignment was really interesting for me because I felt like something "clicked" and reminded me that I truly enjoy writing and reminded me how powerful writing can be.

I think I have a lot of room for growth. For Inquiry 2b I am attempting a kind of big thesis and am interested to see how it turns out. I would like to improve on structure, mainly. learning how to organize my thoughts and pull them together into one overarching theme. Also, deciding when to keep parts of writing and when not to(I tend to ramble in writing).

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