Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ugly and Attractive Websites

This website is called the big ugly website, because that is exactly what it is.  There is no information about what is being sold or advertised on the website.  The color scheme doesn't match, there is a contrast in colors- there is way to many different colors, images are posted over top of other images.  There also aren't any links to click on and there either isn't any banners or they are really hard to find.  This website does not use rhetoric to persuade its customers into buying their products.

This is an example of a good looking website.  The color scheme and contrasts of colors fit perfectly.  There are links and banners that are organized and that you can click on.  There is also live feeds of each NBA game that is being played.  There are links that direct the user to each teams specific website.  They also have a link that directs you to the NBA store, which is where they sell all of their merchandise.  The reason why this websites works rhetorically is because it persuades the users into buying their products and the website does exactly what it is supposed to do, which is to talk and explain what is going on in the NBA.

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