Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Journal 6

1. The one of the websites I find to have the best presentation is the Jeep website ( I frequently go to this website to look at different parts and add-ons and each time I visit, the site has been updated with new pictures or news. The site is well formatted and has interactive pictures, slideshows, and 3-D models to keep the viewer's attention. And unlike some sites that are hard to move around, the Jeep site is very simple and easy use.

2. One of the worst websites that my friend actually helped me find was The site is for anyone who wants to watch random youtube videos. The site was poorly designed with steel blue background and a ton of ads. Almost the entire site is one big ad. On one page alone I counted 9 different ads. Just the entire presentation of this site was bad and it has to be one of the ugliest sites i've ever come across.

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