Monday, May 2, 2011

Journal 10

I do agree that google is making us stupid. Although people do still read and write on their own, the majority of people do not do it by choice. They prefer to simply use technologies such as the Internet to make the process faster to find whatever they are looking for. Most of us are no longer forced to open books, read, and write. Therefore we now see that a lot of people are no longer spending time doing just that. I feel that the Internet is a shortcut to almost everything—its like taking the easy way out. There is so much information out there, so much we can learn from books and other things that are not technology related.

Journal 2

A close reading is not simply reading a text. A close reading is an analysis of a text that allows the reader to focus on every little detail and to look beyond the pages and find underlying themes or meanings. The purpose of a close reading is to allow readers to become more involved with a text so that they may pick out the small details, find the underlying themes, and find deeper meanings. While some texts may have the same little details and the same underlying themes, each text holds different meanings for each person. I’ve found that through close readings I’ve been able to look at texts differently and thus write better because of it. Even in Inquiry 1, I was able to take a text that isn’t in the form of a book and analyze it closely, pick out minute details, and form my own meaning based on my findings.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Journal 10

The internet, mainly google, has changed the way many people research and write papers.  With basic instructions and key words anyone can research and learn about different topics for their assignments.  It no longer takes specific knowledge of a topic or hours of research to write a good paper.  This is a good and bad thing.  Efficiency of writing papers has increased because it requires less time researching and therefore more time can be spent on writing.  However it is also a bad thing, research now is done quickly and affects the quality of one’s work.  By simply visiting a couple of sites a person can write a paper about any topic they desire.  In order to write a good paper, a person must research different types of print (newspaper, book, internet).  Google has allowed us to use all of the types of print online but few people take the time to research each of these.  The average person will type in a key word on google and click on the first two links that appear.  This is making the public lazy because less time is done researching papers and more time is spent surfing the web.  If the internet and google are used correctly a person can create a very well researched paper.  Another good resource that the internet allows us to use is chalk and wire.  This is a good resource because it allows writers to post all of their papers online for peers to view and comment on.    

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Journal 10

The new medium through which people, write, research and otherwise utilize has changed the way the we as people act. With the internet being so readably available for a portion of the world, research has completely changed. Years ago, individuals would go to libraries and take out book after book to write a research paper. Today, students and researches don't have to leave their room. The can jump on the computer and have millions of resources right in front of them. Why you may ask did we change. People are always striving to create a more efficient environment. How can we make this stronger, better, faster. Many people believe the faster we can do stuff the more change we will create. And I believe this is true to some extent. This new medium has changed people, in the sense of certain skills they have. People today, often look for specific details, while people beforehand looked for articles that they could draw conclusions from. The world has changed, and people are changing to become more efficient.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Journal 8

This is an image of a satire about Google, done by The Onion. I think that it effectively makes fun of how Google is already running out of useful things to add to their site, so now they are just adding useless features that do not benefit us at all. I especially thought the one about introducing a service that allows users to find out how much flour they have left with a single keystroke, was really funny and effective, because it is so exaggerated but it kind of makes sense, because Google has already started doing this. I also thought the " I'm feeling lonely, miserable, and unlucky" button, was funny and effective as well, because it points out how completely unproductive and pointless Google's "I'm feeling Lucky" button is, in a comical way.

Journal 7

I hate opening doors, because I am terrified of static electricity and getting shocked.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Journal 10

I agree with the article's content in regards of how it is tranforming people on how to write, think, and view research. Google has pros and cons. There are many areas in the world where people can simply not afford to buy a newspaper or book. The interne is cheap, affordable and can be availible to virtually anyone who has internet access. One of the problems lies within the credibilty of the artciles. The layout of the articles on the search engine are based on how much the author of the website pays google for people to view thier source. There are many online databases, mostly university library databases that offer only credible sources. When it comes to research these databases are more accurate than searching on google.

Journal 10

For me, Google and the internet in general have changed the way that I think. I don't spend time looking through books or reading the newspaper very often. With just a few clicks I can get online and look up pretty much anything including homework assignments on Blackboard, recent news, email, blogs, weather, etc., the list goes on and on. I spend more time doing assignments than I need to because I do get distracted online with all of the adds and ideas for other things that I could check or look up instead of doing my assignment. Also, the internet is available on so many technologies including laptops, cell phones, ipods, etc. We are never far away from distractions with the internet so close at hand. I do agree that writing and knowledge are changing because of continuous advances in technology. Instead of spending time talking to real people we are writing or responding to texts, emails, blogs, etc. I think that this is also changing our writing because we are so used to writing whatever comes out of our head in a few words that it is hard for us to write long research papers, reports, and essays. Skimming is also a big problem today. We skim over magazines, looking at the pictures instead of the real information in the wording, skim books or online journals looking for key words instead the big picture of the article, or skimming web pages looking for something interesting instead of important. As I compose my ePortfolio, I will need to consider the many advantages and problems with internet addiction, so that it effectively achieves its purpose.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Journal 10

I completely agree with how the internet is transforming the way we think, write, and search for information. The advances in the internet have allowed easy access to virtually everything, which has made society incredibly lazy. Such easy access to so much information has made researching for school easy and lazy. Such access has allowed people to research without actually researching. There is so much information available on the internet that when trying to find research it becomes hard to stay focused and on track. However, the internet has provided a fast an easy way for people to find information and to complete and upload research. This will help me with my ePortfolio by allowing me to gain access to any and all research needed for Inquiry 4 and for uploading my documents onto Chalk and Wire.

Journal 9

I completely agree with this article, the internet is definitely changing the way we read, write, and gather information. The internet has a lot of positive effects, and makes information much more available to us. However, I feel that technology has made us lazy about getting this information. Even reading this article I found myself skimming parts because it seemed too long and I am used to getting short bursts of information that I can read and process quickly. With texting and the internet and all other types of technology surrounding us constantly, we have become impatient and more passive when it comes to obtaining new information. With answers around us all the time we don't take the time to think about answers for ourselves, and instead we are constantly relying on someone else to give us the information we are looking for. In this way we have become observers instead of thinkers and doers. This stream of endless information, always at the tips of our fingers, also means we have more breadth of knowledge but not as much depth, because we cannot just focus on one subject when we are always bombarded with information about everything else. I think this loss of focus is the most concerning problem that technology poses for our society. We are always multitasking with all this technology; listening to music while doing homework while also checking facebook every two minutes. This inability to focus on one thing at a time, not only creates distractions for us when we are trying to read or write, it also forces us into a pattern of only partly paying attention to what we read and write.

Journal Ten

I agree with the article completely; the internet is changing how we write, think and gather information. There are a lot of positives to having so much access to the internet; we can receive information and learn more and learn faster because of the constant technology updates. We can have the whole world at our fingertips and learn anything about any subject that could be another universe away. We can be more specific in our research and save time by using the internet as a source for our research. There are some negatives to the internet and how it affects our writing. I feel that our writing has become less professional and more "friendly" or relaxed because of the way the writing is on the internet. Facebook and Twitter for example use very relaxed forms of writing and when we use these sites we are relaxed as well. I think the internet makes it easier to dumb down our writing and sometimes our thinking because such little effort is used and required from us; the internet does it all.

Journal Ten

I agree with the article. Because the internet is so easily accessible it does change how we view things and how we operate--sometimes for the best and other times for the worse. The internet is helping the world connect; our knowledge is continually changing with the technology updates. We can almost instantly know of a crucial event that happened over seas whereas before it might take days or longer for news to reach the U.S. I think that our writing style is also changing. It is becoming more relaxed in some cases and a lot of times what we write is becoming shorter because people have less time to read.

Journal 10

I agree 100% with the idea that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized.  The mere presence of the Internet is meant for speed and efficiency.  You research some general idea and you get you answer in 2-5 minutes.  When you read a book you research something, you get your answer in 2-3 days.  Why?  The idea of speed in the human mind is as appealing to me as chocolate cake is to a fat kid.  “The faster the better” many may say. No, the more the better.  If humans can get by the speed and efficiency of the internet and adapt to the benefit of more information and greater range of knowledge than that found in an newspaper article, journal, or book; we can change the way the mind reacts, processes, and stores information.  Nicholas Carr says, “Never has a communications system played so many roles in our lives—or exerted such broad influence over our thoughts—as the Internet does today.”  This is true in the limelight that we have to accept the role the internet is playing in our lives, and change the way it affects our lives and cognitive processes in a positive way.  This will not inform me about my ePortfolio assignment. 

Journal 10

I would have to agree with this article, especially when the writer states, "You click too much, read too little, and remember even less". This is exactly what I do when researching for a paper. I'm constantly clicking through numerous articles, trying to find the shortest one that gets to the main point. After skimming an article, I try to understand what it was about, but in the end can barely remember the meaning of it. Since technology has boomed and google has appeared, I rely on the internet a lot more than I used to. Instead of renting out books from the library to do research, I now browse the internet for any information I may need. People have begun to rely on the internet and are ignorant of all of the other sources that are available to them besides the computer.

Journal 10

Yes, I do agree the way we think, analyze, and expect information is changing. I sometimes get frustrated with the way information is presented in an old magazine or journal.
After reading this article, I do realize the amount I could read before I started using the internet for everything from buying/reading books to keeping up with friends. Sometimes, when we get phone calls we get stressed because we are no longer used to talking on the phone.
I was an avid reader, I used to read a ‘paper’ newspaper every morning till 9th grade when I switched to ‘e-journals’. Now, I just skim through most articles or till I find an article which is just 2 paragraphs.
This helps in my e-portfolio as now I will use catchy and crisp, pictures and sentences, which usually attract me when I am looking through the news articles or magazines.

Journal 10

I knew that the Internet was transforming the way we think and the way we process information, but this article really opened my eyes. People do not want to read long articles anymore, they just want the straight facts and that is it. Therefore, when people go to read a novel they are unable to really focus on the meaning of the text and analyze the meaning. It is sort of scary to think that the Internet is transforming the way people focus, analyze, read and write. I definitely agree that this is a growing issue, it seems that younger and younger kids are starting to use the Internet for homework, social websites, and online reading. When i go to do my portfolio I am going to really focus to see if i just include quick and convenient information, or did I really elaborate and fully explain things. I think this is something that is dangerous to my writing and it may be something I may be doing subconsciously, therefore I am really going to try and focus to fix it in my writing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Journal 10

I completely agree with the article. When I was younger, I loved to get caught up in a really good book, and don't get me wrong, I still love to but now there are so many other things I would rather be doing. I think that the internet has allowed people to be lazy when it comes to figuring out information. Just the other day instead of looking up an equation in a book I decided to google the equation. It was just the quicker of the two things to do. I think that overall this change in society isn't because the internet is so much better but because it allows people to gain information quicker than looking it up in books or in a resource center. I think that overall this will effect my e-portfolio because several of my pieces have been influenced by different online sources that I found by searching on google.

Journal 10

I fully agree that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized. I also believe that this must happen. In the academic setting, most assignments and projects require the use of technological resources. Students would not be near as successful at their work if they did not change with the technology. As a student we are constantly required to learn new technological resources, just like chalk and wire system required for the ePortfolio assignment. If we did not keep up to date with the technology we would struggle with most assignments.

Journal 10

I definitely think the nature of writing, power and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized.  With answers at our finger tips to almost any question we could ask in an easily accessable fashion, it changes the nature of writing, power and knowledge.  Writing becomes more conscise and to the point.  Power is in the hands of those distributing information that the masses are absorbing through the new technology.  And knowledge is so accessable, it makes our brains lazy.  I'm not exactly sure how this enlightens my ePortfolio assignment; maybe it sheds light on my resistence to research papers?  I dred searching for information to back up my claims because of the many articles that I have to search through; it's probably due to the knowledge that's so accessable to me that I've become lazy and unwilling to take a little extra time to find something that's not right in my face.

Journal 10: The last one!

Respond to "Is Google Making Us Stupid?". After having researched and written about media, do you agree that the nature of writing, power, and knowledge is changing as technology is increasingly democratized? Does this inform your ePortfolio assignment?

Due: Thursday, April 21

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Journal 9

Over the course of this semester I've developed a lot as a writer. I've learned to go more in depth in my writing and I put more emotion into my papers when I write now as well. I've also learned to analyze texts rather than just reading them. I agree with most of Vonnegut's rules, but they two I don't completely agree with is the rule about Keeping it simple and the rule about Sounding like yourself. I feel that the Keeping it simple rule applies for most situations,but I feel that in some situations it would be more beneficial to include that extra amount of detail rather than leaving it out. For the Sound like yourself rule I feel that that applies in most situations as well, but depending on the audience you're writing to, sounding like yourself may not always be the best approach. For example, if you are writing to your peers you can afford to be a little lax with phrases, language, and style, but if you are writing to a general audience it would be better to keep everything clean so as not to offend anyone.

Journal 8

The picture on the right is one of the most famous recurring skits on SNL.My favorite form of satire has to be skit satire and by skit satire I mean things such as SNL and MAD tv. I absolutely love SNL because they satirize everything. They satirize everything from politics to pop stars. SNL also uses most forms of satire which includes styles both direct and indirect. Everything from Ironies to parodies. I like SNL because they satirize virtually everything and they do it so flawlessly.

Journal 9

I have learned a lot about my writing style in the past semester. I have come to realize that research/opinion papers are my strengths, especially when you are can express your views.

I agree with Vonnegut's rules especially the one about writing about you are passionate about.

Journal 9

Mike Zardus,
This semester I have learned a lot about my style of writing. I feel like I have developed my own sense of humor while writing which also helps. Throughout this class I have gained a way better understanding of how to analyze a text rather than just trying to summarize it. I think my diction has also gotten stronger. For the most part I agree with Vonnegut's rules for style. I partly disagree with his second rule because I feel like each author writes depending on his audience and that's how it should be. For example, if you are giving a speech to politicians you should adjust based on their viewpoints and what not however, if you are writing to friends it's not a big deal. All I'm saying is to be aware of your audience.

Journal Nine

I have learned that I am not always good at writing for all purposes. My style generally seems to be strongest when I am writing satirically or writing an opinion paper. I don't always write the strongest on research papers, especially when finding information turns out to be a scavenger hunt.
I do agree with Vonnegut's rules, especially the one about writing about something you're passionate about. I'm not sure how to change the seventh rule (pity the reader) but I don't completely agree with that one. I feel like we should challenge readers more often than dumbing down our ideas so that they can understand.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Journal 9

This semester I have developed my own style significantly. I have moved well beyond the five-paragraph essay into a more professional style. The way that I arrange and write my paper has also changed for the better. I have used the techniques learned in this class and developed them further into writing assignments in other classes. It has also made writing a little easier for me. I do agree with Vonnegut's style and wouldn't change a thing. My favorite pointers from him are "Find a subject you care about" and "Keep it simple" because I find that I can relate to these in my own writing habits. It is very hard for me to write about something that I have no interest in. In regards to simplicity, I always seem to believe that my writing has to be a certain way in order to grab the reader, when really simplicity is best.

Journal 9

This semester I learned a decent amount about my writing style. I was pushed to write in different ways than I normally do. For example, most of my papers before this class always had an opening, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This class however, taught me to expand my style and write in different formats and also voice my opinion, which was different for me. In my past English courses, I usually did not voice my thoughts, ideas, or opinions; however in this class I often found myself relating what I was writing about, to myself. As far as agreeing with Vonnegut’s rules for style, I do for the most part. I think that it is good to express yourself in your own writing. Sometimes however, I feel that it is inappropriate to express everything you want to say in your writing. It depends on the audience and what you are writing for because it is not always acceptable to convey what you want in your writing.

Journal 9

This semester has changed, fixed, and developed my writing in a number of ways.  When I came into college I did not have a specific style.  First semester helped to develop the subject, or core, of my papers.  Second semester, however, helped me build up my argument with different techniques and styles learned in class. I try to incorporate humor in all of my papers because that is who I am.  Also, I try using different language devices like personification, simile, and hyperbole to keep the audience interested.  I agree with Vonnegut’s rules for style for the most part.  My two favorite parts of his style are “Pity the Readers” and “Keep it simple”.  This is the basis for my writing. 

Journal 9

This semester I have learned a lot about thinking outside the box when writing. Usually when I used to write I wrote how I spoke. In the article I do agree that that should be the case except when it comes to addressing a formal audience.

Journal 9

English 112 has lead my thoughts to expand within writing. Since the class is centered around gender, a topic I have not really wrote about in the past. My writing and texts I chose for class has made me grasp the real issues happening with America today. With regards to Vonnegut's Style, I agree with most he says, expect "Sound Like Yourself." Depending with the audience, a writer must address them in a formal and professional manner, such as buisness and law. If the writer is addressing an audience expressing his feelings, then he or she should "Sound Like Yourself". A true writer expresses his true feelings.

Journal 8

This add I thought was cleaver because it shows that general Mc Donald's commercials have skinny people walking around which in general Mc Donald's isn't good for you and can cause you to gain weight and even cause health problems. I is effective because it allows the viewers to remember the next time they bite into a big mac that they could end up gaining a few.

Journal 9

I personally feel that my writing style is indescribable, just as I cannot perfectly describe myself. I agree with the author that your writing is your voice, and I definitely feel that people can get a sense of who I am by reading my writing. I agree with all of his point and would not change a thing about it. I thought that it perfectly described style, and was extremely helpful. I especially liked how he how he says to keep it simple and say what you mean, because a lot of times I read things and wish the author had been more clear about what they intended, because I am left with no idea what they want me to consider or do. Which ties into his idea that the reader should be pitied, and I also agree with this. I believe that while writing should be all about the writer and what they think and feel, once it is written the author then gives it to the audience and puts them in control of it. They take from it what they will and if the author's message is not clear, the intended message may not make its way to the reader and they cannot spread this message like the author hoped for. So, I think it is very important to keep your writing style simple and your message clear.

Journal Nine

I have always been a very personal writer. I like to bring my personality and unique writing style into my papers. I agree with the author when he says to write something that you are passionate about. Last semester when I was assigned to write about a current public issue I chose to write about the slaughtering and unfair treatment of wild horses. I am very passionate and informed about this issue and I really enjoyed writing a paper about it. I think that the author makes a good point when he says that sometimes being too wordy fuzzes over the message you are trying to give. I like to be concise in my writing and make my point very clear to my audience.

Journal Eight

I like this form of satire the best. It is an image of a gathering in which Hitler has attended. The photo makes it looks as if he stolen the man's seat who is standing behind him. This kind of satire is horatian and is meant to be lighthearted and silly. It also takes a serious issue, like Hitler and his awful effect on the world, and makes it something more comical.
What have you learned about your own style this semester? Do you agree with Vonnegut’s rules for style? What might you add, change, or remove?

He suggests that is a bad thing to not be wordy. I have learned to get more to the point with my writing. The first piece was difficult for me because it was evaluating my brothers writing so I felt as if I had so much to say but did not know how to shorten it. It ended up being a challenge for me, and through it I learned a lot about how to be concise and truly understand what message I am trying to give. In addition, I use to write how I talk. I learned that that is okay as long as you phrase things in the appropriate way. I learned that my weakness is organization and that I should start with writing rough rough drafts and work off of those. There isn't one right answer when writing. I need to just listen to my instincts and write how I feel. In addition, I need to PROOF read.

Journal 9

I have always been able write a lot of information in a quick amount of time.  This is a good skill to have when writing an exam but it results in spelling errors, loss of fluidity and unclear papers.  Eng 112 has helped me slow down my written.  It has taught me that the first draft is rarely the same as the finished copy.  This has helped me control my writting.  Now I am able to write clear conscise sentences which results in better papers.  I agree with Vonnegut in that you need to find a topic that you are passionate about.  The best paper I have ever written was about stem cell research.  I feel strongly about this research and it showed in my paper.  Not only did my paper persuade my audience but it was also very fun and easy to write.

Journal 9

I think my style used be very wordy and ramble, which exactly what Vonnegut advises not to do. This semester I feel my writing has become a lot more concise and direct. However, I feel that I am able to do so without losing detail and style. I feel the writing I have conducted this semester has helped to grown to be more direct with my writing, though I feel that my writing style is still strong. I agree with the main points that Vonnegut argues. I think he has many valid points on simple mistakes that people make unconsciously.

Journal 9

I have learned that I write papers better when I'm not set under strict guidelines. ENG 112 allowed me to be more creative in my writing and write about topics that I got to choose myself. I discovered how to find the hidden meanings in texts and really analyze what the author is trying to say. This connects to Vonnegut's rules where he says, "find a subject you care about." I believe this statement is extremely true because if you don't care about the subject you're basing your writing on, you won't be interested in really putting forth your best effort. One rule that I was a little iffy about was "keep it simple". I know that run-on sentences are supposed to be non-existant in papers, but if you keep everything "simple" it won't allow you to be creative and descriptive in your own way.

Journal 9

This semester I've learned I like to put a lot of my own voice into all of my writing; Even when I'm trying to write a serious research paper that should be strictly educational and academic little bits of me slip through, it's unavoidable.  My voice comes through as playful and imaginative.  I put a lot of imagery words in to make vivid, colorful descriptions.  I agree with Vonnegut and I think the most important is finding a topic that you're passionate about because I've always found with an amazing topic that I'm really interested in, not only am I excited to write, but my voice is easy too hear.  I don't see much that needs to be changed, I might just tweak his keep it simple rule.  I think it's a good idea to keep it simple but at the same time simple straight-forward language is sometimes boring so I think there should be a caveat that a lot of the time it's good to keep it simple but it's good to spice it up too.

Journal 9

I have learned a lot about my style of writing this semester. I have learned that I need to be pushed to write deeper thoughts into my writing. ENG 112 has taught me to explore a text more thoroughly. In my writing I always have an opening, body, and closing paragraphs. I like to write with emotion and write on topics others can relate to. I try to use words that everyone can understand. I agree with most of Vonnegut's rules for style. I partly disagree with his rule "Sound Like Yourself." Depending on who the audience is for the text you are writing, I feel adjustments need to be made. If you are writing to a scholarly or academic audience, a writer might want to consider adjusting their language to meet the needs of that particular audience. This would apply to other audiences too.

Journal 9

What have you learned about your own style this semester? Do you agree with Vonnegut’s rules for style? What might you add, change, or remove?

Due: Thursday, April 14

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I chose this satire because although it is comical, I feel that there is some truth behind it. The point of this hat is making fun of people who believe "Jesus saves" people and saying that they believe Jesus saves us from being able to think for ourselves.
A lot of people need religion in their lives to guide them, so I think this hat makes a good point. Religion and the belief of Jesus has influenced a lot of people in their ways of life and actions.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Journal 8

This online satire of Obama pokes fun at the American's public view of Obama. At the beginning of the presidential campaign a varetiy of people with different beliefs associated Obama as a muslim, communist, facist, and change. Regarding his social policies, people viewed him as communist and fasict, thinking more government control was to come if Obama became president. Liberals and democratic supporters saw his policies to bring peaceful change. Obama's name sparked controversy he was a Muslim and not Christian. All over the news these accusations and assumptions all became tangled together concluding to one question, which one is he? I find this online satire image funny, because it speaks true about how quick the media can infulence the public's opinions on a presidential candidate catogerizing Obama to various extremes and beliefs.

Journal 8

This is a political cartoon attacking President Obama on his spending habits. In this cartoon, the donkeys (Democrats) are explaining how all of this spending will cut the debt in half while the elephant (Republican) isn't buying it. Currently, Obama is feeding America with money from taxes through his out of control spending. I think it's funny because with our national debt at an all time high our spending is also rising. Obviously, this is poking fun at Obama but I feel like there is a lot of truth to it too. Government is either printing money that we don't have as a country or making us pay for all this spending which just doesn't seem to fair to hard working Americans.

Journal 8

This is a satire about the phrase "no one likes a quitter."  This phrase is often used in sports or during difficult tasks.  The phrase explains the importance of seeing everything to the end no matter how difficult it may be.  However, this motivational phrase is stamped next to a pack of cigarettes, which is one thing that people should quit.  This phrase is shown on cigarettes because it shows the addictive qualities of cigarettes and how quitting is sometimes not socially excepted.  If people hang out with a group of people who smoke, it is difficult to quit because of the social aspect of smoking.  This is funny because it uses a saying that it directed to hard work and determination and puts it next to something that kills you.  People SHOULD quit smoking cigarettes.  

Journal 8

I liked this satire because of its sarcastic feel. It works because it is categorizing the policy changes, during the Obama Administration, as being Communist. This contrasts with President Obama’s Presidential campaign in which he stood for more freedom and communicated his strong belief in capitalism.

Mr. President in the egg shows the lack of freedom for both people and signifies the nationalization of various ‘iconic’ American Brands. “Fascist World Government” contradicts with America’s belief in Democracy and Free Market. The ‘goats’ signify the blind faith in Obama, and Obama being a ‘shepherd.’

All the characteristics make this a very funny and persuasive satire, which depicts a lot of information.

Journal 8

This cartoon shows Oprah holding up President Obama's hand. It's saying that Obama won the election due to Oprah's actions. Since Oprah is the most influential female in the world, people listen to what she has to say. It's funny because the two women on the right side have no idea who is even up for election, one claiming she's going to vote for Oprah. This also illustrates how many people are uneducated in politics and don't really know what's going on.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Journal 8

This cartoon is commenting on the times during the recession and after the fall of wall street. It is saying why trust financial advisers to make a decision when they were some of the people who caused the fall of wall street. The way they make it work is by creating an image of the financial industry behind it falling apart and subsequently stick a banker in front of it. They make it seem ridiculous to trust this guy when his industry is falling apart. It's ironic because in the background the brokerage and banking industry are collapsing and in front of it is a banker trying to sell them advice.

Journal 8

This satire is commenting on how ridiculous the media has become.  It works because it includes two examples that are insane but that also actually happen while watching media.  One, there are religious shows that you can 'go to church' by viewing.  And two, the news has stuped to the level of Michael Jackson and other such stars as worthy breaking news.  This is an indirect satire because the character's actions is portraying the satire.  I would say it's horatian because it makes the fact that were so absorbed with such ridiculous media funny.  The cartoon is very sarcastic because of it's obvious mocking of the populations interests in insane media programs and news events.

Journal Eight

This image is of a gas station sign, pointing out how outrageous gas prices have become. Where the prices are usually displayed, there is now satirical devices. Playing off of the saying "it costs an arm and a leg". It is funny because everyone knows how high gas prices are and sometimes it seems as though the gas stations are unaware of the prices. This image however, points out how obvious it is that gas prices are ridiculous. The first time I saw this I automatically laughed because it is pointing out the obvious in an upfront way.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Journal 8

This is one of the most memorable quotes from Jane Austen's famous novel Pride and Prejudice. It is stated by Elisabeth Bennett near the very beginning of the novel, when they are discussing the arrival of Mr. Bingly. He is "a single man in possession of a good fortune." But does Mr. Bingly really seek a wife? In England during this time, most people married family friends or acquaintances that they had known most of their life. So if a young man did move into the area, they may have thought that he was possibly looking for a wife. But today, I think this quote is funny and satirical because probably not all young men with a lot of money are looking for a wife!

Journal 8

This billboard is a type of horatian satire, it is light hearted and intended for fun. It is a parody of Donald Trump's show The Apprentice. It is commenting on Donald Trump's famous saying, "You're Fired," from his show. It is saying that if you work for God He will never fire you like Donald Trump does to his apprentices. I find this persuasive because it puts a religious twist on a medium that had nothing to do with religion. It makes a person think twice about their life and what really matters.
I chose to discuss this apple satire stating "there's an app for just about anything- iPray". This is an indirect satire because the language is communicated through characters (the picture of the iphone) and the satirical message isnt simply stated but is shown. It is more of a horatian because it does not directly attack or offend anyone, but rather lightly points out the issues and perception associated with the iphone and apple world. I personally respond to this message because I am bothered to a point of almost disgust by the rapid growth in technology and how much it takes over our world. I have a 13 year old cousin who literally spends over 12 hours a day on some type of technological advice. Her communication and interpersonal skills are lacking and I blame this fully on her exposure to technology and less exposure to face to face contact. This is a light way of saying that the applications have gotten so insane that you might as well have them for personal things such as praying.

Journal 8

Refer back to the satire handout on Blackboard and perform a brief analysis of your favorite satire. What is it commenting on? How does it work? Why is it funny, biting, or persuasive?

Due: Tuesday, April 3

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I want to travel the world.

Journal 7

Create your own PostSecret card. Don’t worry about sharing your deepest, darkest secrets- you can make something up, or share something silly. You don’t have to create a digital masterpiece, or even put your text on top of the graphics. You can just post a visual, and type the accompanying text underneath. Have fun with this, but please try to keep in mind all that we’ve talked about in class.

To get you started, here's mine:

Due: Tuesday, March 29


Visually, amazon is extremely well organized. There are links to each page on the bottom. There are not things flying all over the page. The color choice of their website makes it one that is easy to read. Rhetorically it appears very credible. This is first and foremost because it is visually organized. Second because of the name amazon has out their people, know its a good website. Last the crisp designs make it clear this is a credible website.

This website is extremely disorganized on the other hand. The information is all over the page. The pictures are not detail oriented. The type face of the text is very unprofessional. The background does not work with the foreground, making it hard to read. Rhetorically this does not work because it does not appear credible at all. Again stuff is all over the place, the color scheme doesn't work. In addition there's things flying all over the website.

This is an ugly website. There are too many adds and distractions that it is hard to figure out the meaning behind this website. There are so many links and places to click all over the page which helps to disguise the theme of this website.

Though this is a simple website, it is easy to read and follow. There is a color theme and no adds to distract the viewer. The website gets right to the point. This is an attractive website because of it states is purpose effectively.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Journal SIx

The attractive website I have is It is laid out with a unique and interesting background and it has plenty of pictures to attract the eye. This is very good for gettin people to look at their products and hopefully buy some. I am more likely to look through a website and its' items if it is nice to look at and easy to navigate.

The ugly website I found was It has a bunch of neon boxes with writing in them all over and pictures forming the background. I looked at the website and immediately wanted to navigate away from it. Even if I was desperate to find an item (in this case a wedding dress), I would probably leave and keep looking elsewhere. Almost nothing about this website works, even though some of the dress pictures are pretty.

Journal 6

I think Bing is a great example of an appealing website. It is simplistic enough that it is easy to navigate to different pages and find what you are looking at. It does not overwhelm the viewer with too much color or unnecessary images or design aspects. However, it also catches the audience's attention with a new and interesting picture every day, and the different interesting facts that the reader discovers when moving the mouse over the picture, keeps them intrigued and wanting to learn more.
Wikipedia is a website that I feel is not very appealing, because it is boring, and does not capture or keep the reader's attention at all. The background is plain white, and the site usually contains just paragraphs of information with, occasionally, a few pictures thrown in. There are no interesting colors, or images or even different fonts or text organization to interest readers.

Journal 6

1. The one of the websites I find to have the best presentation is the Jeep website ( I frequently go to this website to look at different parts and add-ons and each time I visit, the site has been updated with new pictures or news. The site is well formatted and has interactive pictures, slideshows, and 3-D models to keep the viewer's attention. And unlike some sites that are hard to move around, the Jeep site is very simple and easy use.

2. One of the worst websites that my friend actually helped me find was The site is for anyone who wants to watch random youtube videos. The site was poorly designed with steel blue background and a ton of ads. Almost the entire site is one big ad. On one page alone I counted 9 different ads. Just the entire presentation of this site was bad and it has to be one of the ugliest sites i've ever come across.

Journal 6
My unattractive website that I picked is Craigslist. Right away when I look at this website it looks like I went to the wrong website because it is very bland and just has a bunch of words that are links. It reminds me of a website that scams people and gets you to give information about yourself for nothing. Although craigslist is a very helpful website for certain things there homepage and even when you search is very boring.
My attractive website that I picked is ESPN. ESPN's website is very colorful and always has a good photo on the front with a catchy title. The main goal of ESPN is to give sports updates in a quick way and that is exactly what happens with the score bar at the top. The colors of red and gray mixed with videos and pictures make it very attractable to the eye. It's a very simple and user friendly website for all.

Journal Six

This website is very clean, exciting, and inviting. The cool blue background gives visitors a sense of relaxation and the pictures of merchandise are also cool colors so the merchandise colors stand out. I think the creator of this website designed it with a solid color background that is not distracting so the visitors eye will go straight to the colorful, patterned products in which vera bradley has available.

Every time i stumble upon something on Wikipedia I can only read a few sentence in and then I go look at something else. All of the white space just makes it look very bland and the small black writing done not compliment it. It doe snot catch readers attention and does not excite or draw visitors eyes to certain topics. Overall it is just bland and boring.

Journal 6
This website has a good design. The beginning of the website has a video known as the GE shpw which shows new designs and contract challenges the company is partaking on. Above the video are links the company's products, services, information, directory, and mission statement. Also, world facts and the annual reports for shareholders are open to any viewers interested in the company or part of the company. The use of motion pictures and bright colors on the website presents the viewer with the idea the company is successful and shows the intellectual innovation of the company.

Journal 6

This is a very ugly website. It’s ironic that this website is created for bored people and still it is not pleasing to them. The color scheme, font, and the annoying pop-up advertisements are all other reasons that this website won’t work. Moreover, nothing on the website is in a clear ‘organized’ way, which makes it difficult to use.

This is a very good website. The color scheme is a subtle one, which is soothing to the eyes. All the content on the website is organized in a proper fashion. As you open the website, you get a full palette of things you want to do, in particular the options makes the website work.