Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journal 1

I do consider myself a writer because I use my writing skills continuously. Even though I may not realize it, I write in various forms every day. I email, text, take notes in class, write papers, do homework assignments and much more. All of these forms are considered writing. I do not have to write a best seller novel to be considered a writer. I write for different reasons. If I am writing to a professor via email I will be very formal, whereas if I am writing a friend I might tell them about some things that have been going on in my life and catching up on how they have been lately. I also text in different ways. If I am bored I may text a friend and chat back and for hours. If I am supposed to be meeting someone somewhere and am running late, I might text them to tell them I will be there soon. I use writing in taking class notes. I may abbreviate my notes or be very concise and clear depending on the subject at hand. When writing papers I usually just begin writing about whatever comes to mind about the issue. Later I will read over it and rewrite it until it sounds like a good paper to turn in to a professor. In this class, I hope to build upon my skills from the last semester. Last semester I wrote and found out about where my main issues and problems occur. This semester I want to fix and resolve these problems and issues, making my writing much better. For example repetition seems to be a problem in my writing. In this class I want to focus on this and really try to improve this. I can't wait to see the results!

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