Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal Two

A close reading to me is more than just taking in the words on a page. A close reading involves really digesting the meaning of the words, how they are arranged and why the author chooses to use those words for the text. A close reading is something that challenges the reader to look beyond the words and into their meaning and to pull out how those words relate to the reader.
A close reading is meant to make the reader do more than just read. A close reading, in my opinion, asks these questions: how does the text make you feel? Does the arrangement of thetext speak to you? How can you relate to the text and the way it is presented? I think that a close reading is meant to make us search within ourselves and really grasp on to how the text affects us.
For Inquiry I, I have already noticed that doing a close reading is changing the way I view text. For my close reading I chose the movie Bambi and as I anaylzed it rather than just watching it, I noticed that a lot of things popped out at me that hadn't before. This inquiry has made me realize how much text does affect me and rather it is in a negative or positive aspect.

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