Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal 1

I would consider myself a writer because I have never disliked writing. Writing is a wonderful alternative for me to communicate my thoughts when I need to take time to think about what I want to say. As a writer, I can't be rushed. Writing is a task I can't do at any moment in time. I need to be in the writing mood and be inspired in order to write efficiently. I find myself getting frustrated when I can't put my thoughts into words or can't think of how to begin a particular writing piece. Once my thoughts begin to come together, I feel a sense of accomplishment in my work. My writing has been completed for grades, leisure, communication, and work. Although many pieces of my writing have been completed for school related assignments, I find myself inspired to write when a significant event occurs in my life. After the death of my grandpa in 2008, I used writing as a way to express my feelings. I have also entered numerous writing contests throughout high school and won several awards for my writings. Through this ENG 112 class, I hope to develop a new perspective on writing. I want to break out of my usual writing routine and become more rounded as a writer.

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