Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Journal 2

In my opinion a close reading is not just picking up a text and understand its meaning. It is more about really paying close attention to every little detail, under lying meaning, and understanding why the author wrote the text. I think every piece of writing can have a different meaning to everyone, there is no right or wrong way to interpret writing. With that said I think a close reading is more about analyzing the texts meaning more than anything. Most times when I read something I read for a general understanding and move on. However, with a close reading I found myself reading over the text several times to form a deeper understand of what the text meant. Upon conducting a close reading myself, I found that it took me twice as long to read a piece of writing than it normally would have. I also found myself stopping on certain words to think about why the author chose that word, or how it was significant to the meaning of the entire text itself. In addition, I was writing notes in the margins on what I thought certain details in the text were hinting at. Overall, I feel that by conducting a close reading I definitely have a better understanding of the text, why it was written, and its significance.

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