Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal 1

I do consider myself a writer. Anyone who has learned to write can be a writer. I think writing plays an important role in being able to sort out ones thoughts or to release stress. When I write I usually write to clear my head. That doesn't go without saying that I do write for classes and I do write online and to my friends from home. I write on my e-mail and on text messages. Who I am writing to plays an important role in how and what I write. When it comes to assignments, I tend to be more formal than if I am writing to a friend to tell them how my day was.
In this class I hope to further my writing skills. In the last two years my writing has improved immensely, but I would like to be able to write an organized well thought out piece that doesn't need fifty sessions of revising. I like to write, but I tend to write how I speak. I hope that in this class the papers that are assigned are ones that I can voice my opinion and let my voice shine through my writing.

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