Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal 1

I definitely consider myself a writer. Writing is one thing that come rather easy to me and i simply enjoy it. Sure, there are many topics I am required to write about that I have no interest in, but overall I love to write. I have not always enjoyed writing though, not until my sophomore year did I really begin to enjoy writing. I came to this realization in Mrs. Betke's composition class. Mrs. Bertke was a very interesting teacher who always wanted to hear our opinions and thought on the topics covered in class. She let us write about whatever pleased us and there was never a strict format to be follow. This freedom was not something i had experienced before in high school, and after writing papers upon papers, I realized I loved to write.

I really enjoyed the writing assignments I was given in English 111 and I hope to be assigned similar assignments in English 112. I am excited to have more in depth topics at hand to write about. I love writing about topics that are new to me. Upon completing this course I hope to further improve in my writing and to think more creatively while tackling assignments. I am eager to get atarted with this course!

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