Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal One

I consider myself a writer. I think everyone is a writer in some way or another. I love to write and I love to put my words onto paper to convey a message clearly to a particular audience. I think that I have always had a love of writing, as I have never really grown up playing with Barbies or playing "house." I was always making up stories and writing anything down that was created in my head. I think that I write not only for class and work or for other professional means, but for myself as well. I used to love typing stories on my computer at home, and I love typing long, descriptive emails to relatives and friends. Writing is something that I love to do, so only limiting it to within the classroom isn't something I would do.

From this class I hope to gain a more mature analytical thought process when it comes to writing. I hope to expand the writing techniques I have learned from English 111 and be able to apply them accordingly. I also hope to learn how to properly take literature and really dig into it to create a well-written, concise paper about it. I'm really excited for this class and I want to become a better writer and a better analyzer as well.

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