Thursday, January 13, 2011

Journal 1

To me a writer is someone who does it professionally or as a passion. Writing for me has never really fit into either of those two categories. Throughout my high school years, writing was definitely my most challenging class. I never really liked doing it. However, last semester I took English 111. Although I would still not consider myself a writer I would say that I definitely enjoyed it a lot more than I did before. My teacher was able to make me see it from different angles. I was able to relate the art of persuasion back to my major, business. For the most part, writing is something that we do in every day life. I wouldn't consider myself a scientist even though I'm taking science classes so I definitely wouldn't consider myself a writer just because I use it in my everyday life. I write for several reasons. First off, I write to communicate. With technology growing at an exponential rate email communication has become critical in todays world. I also write for grades. Whether its English class, business class or even mathematics, all have required me to write for a grade. These assignment are also to learn though, the most important part of schooling. From this class I hope to enjoy English more and more. I hope to continue learning new techniques that will help strengthen my writing and reading skills.

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