Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Journal 2

A close reading is not just simply reading a piece. It is so much more in depth than that. It is finding the hidden meaning behind why an author or director does something that they do. Why this character did this instead of that. What each thing in the work means. It is interesting to me that a close reading can vary so much person to person because it is all based off of someones opinion. The purpose to me of a close reading is to make the reader or viewer really concentrate on the piece. It makes the listener or reader really think and wonder why certain things are done how they are and what the process was and purpose was behind the occurring action.
In doing close readings, I have found that I tend to analyze the text as I read and I form my own opinion about the text without realizing it. I do tend to think in depth but I don't really consider it as close as when I do a close reading. Close readings to me have made me think about the gender role that plays out in everything I read or watch. It is interesting how much starting to do close readings has made me pay attention to everything I read on a deeper level.

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