Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal 2

As a reader, I believe that close reading is a way of analyzing a text. There are many different ways to analyze a text. If you are reading a book, you could underline or highlight important themes, ideas, phrases, descriptions, and much more, each in a different color to distinguish the various elements. You could also research areas and words that are difficult to understand to get the full meaning of what was stated. It also important to take notes in a notebook and in the margins. If, on the other hand, you are analyzing a visual text such as a movie, there are other ways to accomplish this as well. I find it helpful to view it several times so that you can notice all of the details including important ideas, wording, and themes. You can also take notes as you are watching the movie to help you recall the information and get ideas for you paper. The purpose of a close reading is to understand a text completely. By doing research, taking notes, and various other methods, you can find the full meaning behind the text and learn about how the text has purpose for the viewer in today's world. I have already learned a lot about close reading for inquiry 1 as I examine the BBC adaption of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. Having seen this movie probably a hundred times, I still realize that each time I see it I notice something that I had overlooked previously. Now that I am paying attention to close details, I notice different elements about the movie and how they helped to shape my views on gender. Such things as the manners, language, clothing, scenes, and situations all play an important role in gender relationships. These elements have affected my personal beliefs and ideas about gender. Close reading of a specific text is really important to understanding its full meaning.

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