Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Journal 1

A writer is anyone who has an idea or opinion that they fell they need to express through written language.  I think someone who keeps a personal journal is a writer, or someone who creates a protest sign with a message on it is a writer.  Anyone and everyone can in fact be a writer by just expressing themselves on paper. Personally, I have loved writing since grade school.  It takes me awhile to get past the introduction paragraph but once I've muddled through the words seems to flow my brain to the paper in a constant stream of consciousness. I think writing is important. I write when I'm mad or sad or happy or excited. I write for school, to my friends and family, to myself/for myself. It's a way to express yourself and sometimes a portal for your emotions. Although, in everything in life there is always room for improvement and writing is no exception. 

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