Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal 2

A close reading is looking at a specific text and focusing on every single aspect of it. The close reading will help you figure out what the author is trying to say and by what means they are doing this. The purpose of close reading is to help you be able to understand a specific text. It will help you know what is really going on in the text as well as help point out specifics that come off as more important parts of the essay, what the text is stressing. As I began to start the revision process and after looking over your comments I realized that I don’t always provide the evidence that I need to be giving. There is tons of evidence in the book that I can use to help support my ideas and thoughts. But it is up to me to include this. Doing though should really help make my essay much better and help improve my overall writing by including the evidence that’s out there. I’ve also learned that as a writer I need to be more careful grammatically. There are plenty of times where I see that I spelled something wrong or wrote something that doesn’t make sense. So for me as a writer, I need to make sure I make these corrections. Last I learned that sometimes I could be somewhat repetitive. After reading your comments and going over the essay again I found my two introductory paragraphs to both have good information but be very repetitive. Doing a close reading and paying close attention to this stuff, and then revising should help make me a better writer.

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