Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Journal Two

A close reading is getting down to the minute bits and pieces of a text. The reader examines what the author put into their text such as the tone, repetition, metaphors, alliteration, and most importantly, the meaning. Each person is going to read the same text in a different way, so no one meaning is the correct one. In fact, I believe the more interpretations people have, the better the piece of writing is because it gets people to think, maybe even outside their own comfort zone.
For my Inquiry I paper, I chose to write about Aladdin, my favorite childhood movie and is still one of my favorites today. By doing close reading examples in class, I can examine Aladdin in a totally different way: using gender and stereotypes to talk about the characters and storyline. Critically "reading" this movie will help me get down to those little bits and pieces in order to make my paper stand out. I never thought a movie could be critically "read". But, I would much rather write a paper about a movie that I absolutely love than a book that I didn't enjoy at all, like previous papers I have written.

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