Thursday, January 6, 2011


This is our class blog, where I hope you'll enjoy reflecting on issues that matter to you and our class. I look forward to reading what you have to share.



  1. Austin Kelly
    Yes I consider myself a writer. Writing is an essential part of the human language. Writing can be used in many different forms, whether it is writing papers for English class, using rhetoric to influence a friend’s decision or explaining to colleagues the necessary steps to complete a task. A deeper question can be asked regarding my writing, this question is, can my writing improve? The answer to this question is also yes. Going into English 111 my writing was poor, improper and lacked rhythm. However after completing English 111, I believe that my writing greatly improved. My goal is that my writing will continue to improve throughout my time at Miami. If my writing improves each year, then after the end of my 4 years here, I can confidently say, yes I am a writer.
    The reason I write is mainly for communication and a grade. I use writing in my everyday life to communicate through the use of e-mails and text messages. I wish that I could say that I write in my spare time for enjoyment, but the truth is that the main reason that I write is for a grade. My main task in taking English 112 is to receive an A but in doing so I am certain that my writing will improve and possibly one day I will enjoy writing.

  2. I consider myself a writer because I write every day. I may not be writing novels or papers all of the time, but I write none the less. I use writing for easy notes to myself or to say something to a friend, but I also use it to express complex ideas for school. I mainly write for school, at least all of the extensive writing, however I use writing to communicate as well. In this class I would like to make writing in a "formal" way become easier for me so that I am able to create papers in a more flowing manner, but still be able to have my own style throughout.

  3. I would definitely consider myself a writer. A good writer? Well, that's a different story. However, I enjoy writing. It helps me organize my thoughts, my schedule, my classwork ect. I am writing all day, everday. I think I first really got into writing when I was traveling on a study abroad program called Semester at Sea. I used to write poetry, but never extensive journals. However, when I was traveling, there was something about being in such unique places and wanting to capture my experiences and be able to return to those moments in the future. In this class specifically, I would mainly like to practice my writing ( which seems we will be) so I can be more comfortable and confident. I know that there will be a lot of writing in my future- and the more practice the more I will improve and learn. I tend to write the way I speak- which often times does not turn out well. Not everyone knows how I speak, so to expect the readers to understand the meaning behind my writing, may be difficult if I do not take more time to formalize it and move away from the "wordy, talkative" style.
