Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journal 1

I think that everyone is a writer, whether they realze it or not. Everyone writes in some form every day,whether it is for academic or professional reasons, or just in one's everyday routine of living and socializing. Most people will find themselves writng many reports for work or school, however, beyond that they will also find themselves communicating, organizing, and expressing their thoughts and ideas. Every day I, along with thousands of other teenagers, compose many text message throughout the day in order to communicate with my friends and family. Whenever I need to contact someone for mmy job, school, or volunteer work email is the best way for me to quickly and conveniently contact them. I enjoy using writing as a fast everyday way to communicate, because although it is ofen a much quicker method of communicating, it can aso allow me to think about what I want to say during this the person, and edit my message as many times as I want, in order to make it perfect. even if people do not use writing as a means to communicate, or at their job, people do write all the time anyway. When people need to remember thinkgs they usually write it down or write a list of things they need to do. When they need to tell someone who is not presents, sometimes they will write them a note. Even though these types of writing do not seem like very challenging ways to write, everyone should be considered a writer because they all have the ability to effectiveky communicate their thoughts and ideas through writing, which is what writing is all about to me. Although I mostly write for a grade or to communicate, I feel that writing is an important part of everyday life. I have never been very good at expressing my ideas through writing, especially creative writing, so I hope to become a more effective writer

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