Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journal 1

I feel that often I am asked to describe myself as a writer. To be completely honest, I know I am a writer, I am just not sure if I would consider myself to be a writer. I realize that text surrounds us in our everyday lives, weather it is television, a newspaper, a novel, or the internet we are constantly surrounded by text. And I am always writing, whether it is a text, email, writing assignment, a letter to a friend, or a journal; I write every day. In that sense, I am a writer. When it comes to the proper way of composing a paper, writing poetry or an essay in the English language, I often feel lost. I am usually uncomfortable writing things that are forced out of me and choose not to write creatively. I do not write for pleasure, nor do I publish works. In that sense, I would not consider myself a writer. I sometimes enjoy writing but I find it difficult to get started and for my words to flow onto the paper like an actual writer's would. Because of this, I really appreciate the works actual writers produce because one day I hope I to be able to write like them.

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