Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Journal 2

Close reading to me is much more than just reading in general. Close reading is looking at analysis, diction, syntax, and critically thinking. The purpose of close reading is to pull out certain things from a text and analysis why the writer chose to put them in. Asking questions is a key component to close reading to establish a better connection with writer and reader. The purpose of close reading is to go into every little detail and ask why the author would do that.

Throughout Inquiry 1, I have learned many things about my writing and close reading. First, when I close read my picture book Enemy Pie I reread it multiple times and each time I noticed something different from the time before. Whether that difference was in the author’s detail, choice of words, to the true meaning of the story. I played close attention to the interaction of the father and son because I thought that was the most important relationship in the story. Secondly, I have noticed that my writing has become much more detailed and I’m able to follow certain things better. Also, my writing has become much more fluid and flows better from start to finish than normal. Overall, I feel that close reading and working on Inquiry 1 has given me more tools to use as a write.

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