Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Journal One

I consider myself a writer and I don't consider myself a writer. If I looked up the definition of "writer" in the dictionary, I would expect a picture or description of an author of a book to show up. Those are accomplished writers and get paid for the work that they do. I consider myself a writer because I have written many different papers throughout my high school and college career. I don't consider myself a writer because I am not a published author and I am not getting paid for what I write.
I write papers in order to pass a class. If I have to pass English 112, I'm going to do all the work that is asked of me to do and write all the papers and do my best on every single one. I need to create well-written papers in order to pass my classes. This may seem like the typical college student response, but I only say it because that's what seems to come across from my teachers throughout high school and during my first semester at Miami.
I know English 112 may seem like just another Miami Plan course that I need to pass in order to graduate, but I also want to enjoy my time in it. My classmates, my teacher, and my effort toward work will all contribute to how well I can succeed in this class. And I WILL succeed.

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