Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal 1

I, along with many others, consider myself a writer. I believe that everyone is capable of writing as long as they have learned the necessary tools. I see writing as a form of art. It's a way for people to express themselves and be able to release any emotions they may be feeling. We all choose to write in different ways. For example, I write in order to earn a good grade for an English class. But I also write to family and friends using e-mail, Facebook, and texting. When I was younger, I used to write short stories for fun, no matter how pathetic they were. It was a way for me to think of something completely different from my own life, and create a story baed upon my imagination.
In this class, I hope to find more resources to back up my papers, that way I have a variety of strong and factual information. I also want to learn how to create interesting papers when writing about texts, such as a book or magazine, so that the reader can visualize my descriptions. I hope to build from my previous knowledge that I have obtained from my English 111 class, where I was encouraged to construct my own paper, never having to follow specific guidelines.

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