Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Journal 1

I think we define ourselves by what we do, either our occupation or the things we do well. For example, a student who plays on two collegiate sports teams may call himself an athlete, or the guy who plays his guitar on the subway may deem himself a musician. Likewise, I know myself by what I have been obsessed with doing for as long as I can remember, writing creatively.

The first time I remember being engrossed by the creative writing process was in first grade. Ms. Freezen, our teacher, asked the class to write an alternative ending to a movie we had watched recently. The fun part of the assignment was discovering that I already had an idea in mind before coming to class: My imagination was constantly running wild, and this was an opportunity to relay the ideas I toyed with in my head in a way that could be understood by everyone.

Most of the writing I do is to better myself in all areas of writing, whether it is creative, analytical, business, etc.; however, my ultimate goal is to communicate. I am fascinated by the human experience and the relationships that give it structure, and I think that it is in sharing our common/universal stories that lead us to a greater appreciation of our condition, as well as develop a greater awareness of others.

For this class, I am most excited for the workshops because that is how I best improve my writing, by learning from my classmates. At the end of this course, I want to feel like I have a firm grip on analytical writing, as well as have more confidence in my style and approach to prompts.

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